Dischromatics gives customers who want their music duplicated or replicated options not available from most suppliers. The choices can be dictated by volume and so sometimes groups bands and single artists can be disappointed. Why not give the company a call to find out your options and don’t tell everyone but you may qualify for a discount.
If you’re after in excess of five hundred discs, a wider choice is available, from CD Duplication with standard discs or vinyl effect with a variety of colours or CD Replication, again with standard or vinyl effect and even Vinyl records which can be cut to shape or provided as a picture disc. All the specs for these and more products can be found on the website.
Of course Replicated CDs are fully manufactured so economically the best quantity to start with is a thousand or above, as is the case with vinyl records. With Duplicated CDs, the company can produce as few as ten but naturally the price will reflect the quantity. They will provide advice for licensing which has to be obtained in order for copying to be undertaken legally.
The fact that this company can produce in-house CD and DVD packaging is a real bonus for Dischromatics customers as they benefit form cost savings and more control of the project. With their own digital printing facility, they can even produce low runs of specialist packages like Digipacks. It is even possible to personalise certain parts.
The company only supply top quality media from reputable companies like Sony DADC and Taiyo Yuden, which is hardly surprising when it is seen that they hold ISO 9001:2008 quality standard and for those people that fell green issues are of a concern, again this company can display its own green credentials with ISO 14001:2004 Environmental certification. Producing 100% re-cycled CD and DVD packaging
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