Thursday, 18 February 2010

So, you copy discs right? That's illegal isn't it?!

This afternoon, I went to donate my blood at the local comprehensive school where a donation centre has been set up over the school holiday. Never my favourite experience but the people who work there are always lovely and friendly and put one quickly at ease with all the usual topics of conversations. Not unusually either, they were somewhat tongue-tied with our company name (which incidentally is often a great ice breaker at networking and the like) and couldn't work out what a company with such a bizarre name might produce! So, of course I explained that we duplicate and replicate CDs and DVDs amongst other things (like the digital printing!) to which they replied (which is a common comment!) "That's illegal isn't it??!!!!"

Well, no....

Someone's got to do it (!), and why not us?! It just so happens that we tend to be pretty good at it, and work with Europe's most famous, innovative and reliable suppliers (Sony DADC) and work for some rather large names across the UK and Europe such as Panasonic, Scottish Widows, Lloyds TSB, Grant Thornton and Citizen Watches, not to mention numerous councils, universities, exam boards, smaller musicians, schools and individuals.......

So, how do we "get away with it"?!

Well......we don't! Not because we've slipped through the net I might add (quickly!), but because what we do just ISN'T illegal! We are so diligent in our processes and procedures (which comes with the ISO system as well as the company ethos) that we can be sure we are not copying anything illegal. After all what is and what isn't illegal boils down to who owns the copyright for the item that needs to be copied, and whether they have given their permission for it to be carried out!

IPR forms, MCPS licences and signed authorisations are all "tools of the trade" in this aspect and help us ensure we are on the right side of the law. Indeed, if a company is offering the same kind of services as Dischromatics but says they do not require this type of paperwork, they are unlikely to be simply saving you the "hassle" and may well be prepared to undertake illegal duplication, whether by design or by negligence!

Either way the little extra effort required in proving authenticity or compliance of a copyright owner on your part (with our assistance since we are happy to help where we can!) gives not only Dischromatics, but also our customers, peace of mind that the risk of prosecution, hefty fines and imprisonment is zero! For more information on licence requirements, just visit the relevant page of our website.

So, you copy discs right? That's illgeal isn't it?!
No, not if its done by Dischromatics it's not!!!

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