Thursday, 18 February 2010

So, you copy discs right? That's illegal isn't it?!

This afternoon, I went to donate my blood at the local comprehensive school where a donation centre has been set up over the school holiday. Never my favourite experience but the people who work there are always lovely and friendly and put one quickly at ease with all the usual topics of conversations. Not unusually either, they were somewhat tongue-tied with our company name (which incidentally is often a great ice breaker at networking and the like) and couldn't work out what a company with such a bizarre name might produce! So, of course I explained that we duplicate and replicate CDs and DVDs amongst other things (like the digital printing!) to which they replied (which is a common comment!) "That's illegal isn't it??!!!!"

Well, no....

Someone's got to do it (!), and why not us?! It just so happens that we tend to be pretty good at it, and work with Europe's most famous, innovative and reliable suppliers (Sony DADC) and work for some rather large names across the UK and Europe such as Panasonic, Scottish Widows, Lloyds TSB, Grant Thornton and Citizen Watches, not to mention numerous councils, universities, exam boards, smaller musicians, schools and individuals.......

So, how do we "get away with it"?!

Well......we don't! Not because we've slipped through the net I might add (quickly!), but because what we do just ISN'T illegal! We are so diligent in our processes and procedures (which comes with the ISO system as well as the company ethos) that we can be sure we are not copying anything illegal. After all what is and what isn't illegal boils down to who owns the copyright for the item that needs to be copied, and whether they have given their permission for it to be carried out!

IPR forms, MCPS licences and signed authorisations are all "tools of the trade" in this aspect and help us ensure we are on the right side of the law. Indeed, if a company is offering the same kind of services as Dischromatics but says they do not require this type of paperwork, they are unlikely to be simply saving you the "hassle" and may well be prepared to undertake illegal duplication, whether by design or by negligence!

Either way the little extra effort required in proving authenticity or compliance of a copyright owner on your part (with our assistance since we are happy to help where we can!) gives not only Dischromatics, but also our customers, peace of mind that the risk of prosecution, hefty fines and imprisonment is zero! For more information on licence requirements, just visit the relevant page of our website.

So, you copy discs right? That's illgeal isn't it?!
No, not if its done by Dischromatics it's not!!!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

The Week with the Orders

A whole week has passed since our last blog and the euphoria of the website launch. On that front things are still going at quite a pace though have calmed down a little as we take stock and make sure our customers don't miss out on any service. Whilst Stewart has continued checking links and preparing each and every individual page for the Search Engines to spider us, everyone else has concentrated on their more usual jobs, whilst trying to get a quick snap of a product here or an article prepared for online posting there! Backlinks are just another cog in the wheel and this will be the next stage.......

Having fitted in so much work on the site in such a short space of time, you would think we must have been busy recently not to be able to do at some substantial additional work on the website, and you'd be right!

This week we have already had a very high volume of requests for quotations, callbacks, information and samples, generated already by the site, plus the social networking outlets - proving they work and making the efforts worthwhile! Some of these have already very quickly turned to full blown orders for CDs plus some digital printwork, which is of course pleasing!

Digital Printing has really taken off this month, and having purchased 1000 of the CD wallets just last week, we find that we now are buying another large batch just 7 days later as the orders are stacking up. Just today as an example we received a Business Card order from local company (with one of the best names you'll ever hear..!) Turnip Starfish and several thousand flyers and some posters for the local Curves franchise. Thats not all though! Letterheads, Compliments Slips, Postcards and next up, Theatre Programmes have all been done or are being done, and I'm sure to have forgotten a few!

On the media side, we have had a multitude of in-house duplication orders for Christian charity Pilgrim Homes, Torfaen Council (done in less than a day, including the CD Booklets!) and Panasonic to name but a few and replication orders for, amongst others, our friend JP in Malta, plus new and returning customers.

The website really is starting to do its job now, and should only get better as the SEO pays off....if we can squeeze the time in to update!!! Watch this space :-)

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Site Update

So the site was successfully launched on 1st Feb after much hard work and long hours, Kayle working on graphics and photos, Stewart and Gareth on text and links. Reading and re-reading!

And the discount code was given to those people who had joined our Facebook group at that time, they now enjoy a great one-off offer for an order in February, but fear not, join the group, keep in touch and you never know what might happen next.....

The site is an on-going project, with information continuously being checked, added to and updated. Search Engine Optimisation comes next and fortunately we have a fair bit of experience in this area so once out of the sand box we should be back on our way to the top of the rankings!! There are still a considerable amout of photos of the products to take and add to the site, and more and more scrolling banners will mysteriously (well perhaps not so mysteriously....) appear over time. Effects will be attempted, fashions will change and we will respond to clients suggestions wherever we can!

Yet more pages will be added to our most comprehensive site yet. More products, more technical information, more detail and more flesh on the bones of some of the pages currently up and running.

For the first time Digital Printing gets a proper role, with prices, descriptions and images all of its own, this really will establish our complete range of services, we really are proud of what we can achieve on simple, small runs of CDs and DVDs, on site and in amazingly fast timescales.

Check back soon, to the site, the Blog, the Facebook, the MySpace and Twitter pages, all will be updated with news, offers and developments and interact with us wherever you like, feedback - positive or negative - is always appreciated where fair and honest, as it will help us move forward to better serve you, our customer.