Dischromatics are proud to announce that after a period of consultation and with the full involvement of all staff, they have been recommeneded to receive the Investors in People award.
Coming as an early Christmas present and due to all members of every department within the company. This company continues to expand its certification of important aspects of business. Having been accredited with ISO:9001:2008 Qualty certification as well as being members of Wales Quality Centre, also Environmental accreditation to ISO 14001:2004.
Customers of Dischromatics are aware that the standards set by this company continue to play a large part in the success experienced over the years. This latest award emphasise that the company is serious about staff welfare and this is displayed by the retention of employees over a long period. This inturn helps the business as the skills remain in the company and the benefits of their knowledge and ability are passed on to customers in the the way they are served and the products successfully processed.
Dischromatics has been supplying digital media products over many years from the early days of floppy disks to the current products like CD, DVD and Blu-ray Duplication and Replication, adding DVD and Blu-ray Authoring, Graphic Design, Digital Printing and Direct Mail. In the next year other exciting changes will take place, giving our customers a greater range of products and services some of which will be next generation technology.
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